Doctor of the University

What is the Doctor of the University (Dr.Univ.)?

All Doctorates of University are terminal degrees, similar to a professional research doctorate. The Doctorate requires coursework and research beyond the Masters degree requiring a dissertation or journal publication that contributes to business practice. The portion of the programme, consisting of coursework and examination, is equivalent to that of a PhD. The part of the programme, consisting of independent research and the writing of a thesis, is geared towards more applied research in the given study area, with the research making a direct contribution to professional practice. The doctorate requires a significant thesis, dissertation or final comprehensive project including a formal defence and approval by nominated examiners or an officially sanctioned and qualified doctoral review committee.

The degree is conferred when all coursework, testing, and written research are completed and reviewed and approved by the jurors of the examination commission.

Universidad Azteca, seeking to differentiate between official and university own doctorates, has introduced the Doctor of the University (Dr.Univ), the Doctor of Science (Dr.Sc) and the Doctor of Letters (Dr.Litt) as well as the Executive Doctor of Business Administration which are awarded, with the other higher official doctorates reserved for formally examined academic scholarship.

A Doctor of the University degree, awarded as Grado propio by Universidad Azteca, is a terminal academic degree for which the University has waived the usual requirements, such as matriculation, residence or online-presence, study, and the passing of sit-examinations. The degree is a doctorate and often conferred as a way of honouring a distinguished person´s contributions to a specific field, or to society in general. The degree typically is not recognised in the same stature as the standard “earned” doctorate by employers, and should not be represented as such, it should rather be seen as an academic award.

The Doctor of the University is awarded by Universidad Azteca under the terms of its charter, may be considered to have technically the same standing as the official doctorate, and to grant the same privileges and style of address, except where explicitly stated that it is a university own degree without RVOE.

Although higher doctorates such as DSc, DLitt, etc., are often awarded honoris causa, in various countries (notably England and Scotland, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand) it is possible formally to earn such a degree.

A Doctor of the University degree, awarded as Grado propio by Universidad Azteca, is an academic degree for which the University has waived the usual requirements, such as matriculation, residence or online-presence, study, and the passing of curricular examinations. The degree is a doctorate and often conferred as a way of honouring a distinguished person´s contributions to a specific field, or to society in general. The degree typically is not recognised in the same stature as the standard “earned” doctorate by employers, and should not be represented as such, it should rather be seen as an award. The Doctor of the University is a professional recognition that provides an independent quality assurance reference for highly qualified professionals from all fields, for those who strive for personal excellence, and who become a motivating example in their communities. The Doctor of the University is a recognized mark of professional ability, outstanding professional career, services to the human kind and international achievements.

The Doctor of the University is awarded by Universidad Azteca under the terms of its charter, may be considered to have technically the same standing as the official doctorate, and to grant the same privileges and style of address, except where explicitly stated that it is a university own degree without RVOE. In practice, however, such degrees may not be considered of the same standing as doctoral degrees earned by the standard academic processes of courses and original research, nevertheless, based on the Universidad Azteca evaluation, the recipient has demonstrated an appropriate level of academic scholarship that would ordinarily qualify him or her for the award of an official degree. The Doctor of the University degree is sometimes considered honorary, although it is only conferred on an individual who has already achieved a comparable qualification at another university or by attaining an office requiring the appropriate level of scholarship. Under certain circumstances a degree may be conferred on an individual for both the nature of the office they hold and the completion of a dissertation.

The university will appoint a panel of examiners who will consider the case and prepare a report recommending whether or not the degree be awarded. These, also, are properly considered substantive rather than honorary degrees. These ad eundem degrees are earned degrees, not honorary, because they recognise formal learning or contributions at doctoral level.

Título or grado propio degrees are awarded by the University sui generis and, in case of Universidad Azteca, based on Article 59 of the General Law of Education. In either case, a título propio or university own degree reflects that the graduate has earned a degree at postsecondary education level awarded by an officially recognised university. Universidad Azteca has developed a professional and academic certification programme and awards the following título propio degrees to persons meeting the corresponding degree requirements:

List of programmes in this category

Doctor of Education in Counseling & Supervision (D.Ed.)

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in Counseling and Psychology (Supervision) by Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis and doctorate examination.
SPECIALISATION: Advanced studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)
DISCIPLINES: Education, Psychology, Counseling.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Doctor of the University in Advanced Studies (DAS)

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in credit transfer from doctoral study or Level 8 EQF courses in one of the following disciplines to Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / professional doctorate examination.
SPECIALISATION: Advanced studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)
DISCIPLINES: Social and Economic Sciences, Health Sciences, Education, Psychology, Environmental Science.
STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish
ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Doctor of the University in Professional Studies (DPS)

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in credit transfer from doctoral study or Level 8 EQF courses in one of the following disciplines to Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / professional doctorate examination.
SPECIALISATION: Professional studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)
DISCIPLINES: Engineering Management, Health Care Management, Informatics, Environmental Technology.
STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish
ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience

Doctor of the University in Environmental Studies (Inter-Disciplinary) (DES)

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in credit transfer from doctoral study or Level 8 EQF courses in more than one discipline to Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / professional doctorate examination.
SPECIALISATION: Environmental studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)
DISCIPLINES: Interdisciplinary with an emphasis in Environmental Science and Technology.
STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish
ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Doctor of the University in Individual Studies (Inter-Disciplinary) (DIS)

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in credit transfer from doctoral study or Level 8 EQF courses in more than one discipline to Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / professional doctorate examination.
SPECIALISATION: Interdisciplinary studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)
DISCIPLINES: Interdisciplinary with an emphasis in two or more disciplines.
STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish
ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Doctor of the University in Legal Studies (LLD)

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in credit transfer from doctoral study or Level 8 EQF courses in one of the following disciplines to Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / professional doctorate examination.
SPECIALISATION: Legal studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)
DISCIPLINES: Due to the international design and study offer, no domestic law disciplines can be covered. The programme disciplines include International Law, European Law, International Environmental Law, Human Rights, International Relations.
STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish
ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Doctor of Science of the University (Dr.Sc)

Candidates in the Science and Technology study area qualify for the POSTDOCTORAL Doctor of Science degree of Universidad Azteca.
This jure dignitatis degree is one awarded to someone who has demonstrated eminence and scholarship by being appointed to a particular office, or achievement in a particular professional field. This typically involves the submission of a portfolio of peer-refereed research, usually undertaken over a number of years, which has made a substantial contribution to the academic field in question.

Doctor of Letters of the University (Dr.Litt)

Candidates in the Arts and Humanities Study area qualify for the POSTDOCTORAL Doctor of Letters degree of Universidad Azteca.
Doctor of Letters is an academic degree, a doctorate of the University and equal to the Doctor of Science, which is awarded by Universidad Azteca in recognition of outstanding achievement in the humanities, original contribution to the creative arts or scholarship and other merits.
Candidates who are admitted will be invited to a diagnostic online-examination of the degree requirements.

Doctor of the University in Competence Studies (Prior Learning Assessment) (DCS)

List of the study Methods for this program

Legal basis, fields of study, and scope of studies

Type: University course according to Art. 59 General Law of Education, Mexico.

State Recognition (RVOE) of the Universidad Azteca in Mexico by the General Directorate for Higher and University Education of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) for studies in the fields of Humanidades (Education, Pedagogy), Administrative and Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Psychology, Law, Informatics, Architecture is available.

Universidad Azteca offers courses at all three levels (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate), with RVOE and university-owned. The Universidad Azteca is entitled to award doctorates.

Scope: 180 ECTS credits. In Mexico, after the Bachelor’s (at least 240 ECTS), a minimum of 120 ECTS (150 créditos SACA) is required for the doctorate.

Awarding University and Target Group

AWARDING UNIVERSITY: Universidad Azteca, Chalco, Mexico.

UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT IN EUROPE: Universidad Azteca European Programmes.

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral students interested in credit transfer from doctoral study or Level 8 EQF courses in one of the following disciplines to Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / professional doctorate examination.

STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish
– With special requirements: French, Italian & Arabic

ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Master or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Objectives of the Programme

The modular Universidad Azteca Doctor of the University programme in the areas of Advanced Studies, Professional Studies, Individual Studies and Environmental Studies has as a general aim of provision of an academically rigorous education designed to develop skills, expertise, knowledge and vision to enable students, whatever their chosen route, to be critical, analytical and creative. The programme aims to provide opportunity for self-development in relation to career enhancement and as life-long learners.

Doctoral candidates may specialize in areas such as Social and Economic Sciences, Health Sciences, Education, Psychology, Engineering Management, Health Care Management, Informatics, Environmental Policy, Environmental Technology, Environmental Management, Environmental Science.

The programme offers students the opportunity to develop their own capabilities, skills and competencies within a supported environment. The objectives of the programme can be summarized by the following aims.

Develop a critical approach to the use of contemporary sources as a means of exploring complex concepts, ideas and issues of relevance and value to the chosen area of study. Develop the power of critical enquiry, logical thought, creative imagination and independent judgment.

Provide a forum of study that allows each student to build on his or her past academic and vocational experience in a relevant and meaningful fashion.

Expose the student to a range of prospective, which may be applicable to both the interests and work situations as appropriate.

Recognize the variety of sources of learning and an appropriate diversity of means for assessing achievement.

This programme intends to allow the individual student to develop their potential through a carefully selected curriculum of study, which includes elements of a variety of methods of study orientated around both the academic and vocational axis.

The primary objectives of the doctoral programme are to: Enable the student to achieve an appropriate level of academic competence. Achieve personal development and to develop critical awareness of benefit to themselves and to their organization. Develop skills of initiation, implementation and analysis in a range of contexts. Develop capability in the analysis and evaluation of complex issues and situations.

The specific objectives of the program will vary according to the chosen named award and will include the: Development of knowledge at an advanced level. Development of skills of analysis, research and policy formulation and implementation. Unification of theoretical analysis and practice through a variety of contexts appropriate to the study area..

Admission requirements

The entry requirements are a graduate degree of at least 240 ECTS credits in total, an MBA, MSc, or similar Masters degree, or equivalent qualifications at level 7 MMC (EQF), or in a functional field by examination awarded by a professional body. We may also ask for significant experience in a arearelated position involving responsibility for decision-making issues.


Tuitions vary by the duration of programme (short or regular) and the single or dual degree options. For applicable tuitions, please, see the tuitions sheet of the programmes of Universidad Azteca European Programmes.

Tuitions are due in full with enrolment for the complete programme.

Refund policy

Tuitions are due in full with enrolment. Once the programme has started (tuitions collected) no tuitions will be repaid. Students, who do not pay tuitions after admission are not enrolled.

Degree Regulations

The applicable degree regulations for doctoral degree programmes of Universidad Azteca apply.

Thesis Regulations

Dissertation Thesis

1) The range of themes for theses, their extent and particulars, as well as the requirements for theses are announced by the Universities based on the proposals examining committee for the thesis examination.

2) A doctoral thesis is a monothematic work which brings about new findings, it is not a compilation of literature, as a rule it presents personal original research pursued by the Applicant.

3) In general, the thesis is written in Spanish language. An Applicant of different nationality or a foreign Applicant shall ask the admission commission for a possibility to write the thesis in a foreign language. In case of available language capacity the admission commission shall approve the request. A thesis written in a language other than Spanish or English shall include a summary written in Spanish or English language in extent of up to 10 pages. According to available enrolments and tutoring capacities particularly the following study languages are approved: Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Greek.

4) The use of Master-theses or doctoral theses having already been used for the award of an academic degree is not allowed. The Applicant cannot submit as a rigorous thesis his/her diploma thesis or any other qualification thesis, neither the work of a compilation character.

5) The Applicant submits to the examining committee the thesis. The thesis has to be written in text editor, printed and bound in hard cover. Upon request of the Applicant or order recommendation of the examination committee the submission of an electronic version is permitted.

6) To evaluate a thesis the examining committee nominates at least one staff member possessing the “assistant professor” or “professor” title or the academic title PhD., Dr. or an equivalent degree at doctoral level. The evaluator/s are appointed by the examining committee.

7) The evaluator first evaluates the methodological aspect of the thesis. In the event of the positive evaluation, the thesis shall be evaluated from a specialized, subject-specific perspective. Positive evaluations of the thesis are necessary preconditions for the invitation of the Applicant to the thesis defence and examination.

8) The nominated evaluator shall submit to the examining committee within 60 days from the delivery of the thesis to the evaluator the evaluation of the thesis in which s/he shall state if the thesis does or does not meet the requirements determined by the examining committee and this given study plan. In the evaluation the evaluator shall also present comments on the content of the thesis and, in conclusion of the evaluation, state if s/he does or does not recommend the thesis for the oral defence, or if s/he recommends to rewrite the thesis.

9) In the event that the evaluator does not recommend the thesis for the defence, the Applicant can rewrite the thesis and resubmit it for evaluation on the next deadline for theses submission as determined by the examining committee. If s/he fails to submit the thesis on the given deadline s/he shall be excluded from the registration of Applicants for examinations and thesis defences. The Applicant can ask the examining committee in writing for the extension of the thesis submission deadline not more than twice.

10) Within the six months from the thesis submission before the thesis examination the examining committee shall notify the Applicant in writing of the place, date and time of the online-examination and at the same time notify him/her the result of the evaluation of the thesis.

11) Precondition of the invitation to the thesis defence and examination is the positive evaluator evaluation.

Examining Committee

1) The examination and thesis defence take place in front of the examining committee.

2) The right to act as examiners is granted only to university teachers occupying the posts of professors or assistant professors or other experts possessing at least the academic title PhD., Dr. or comparable qualification at doctoral level, approved by the Universities.

3) The committee is appointed by the Universities, the nominees are selected from the eligible staff members as stated in Paragraph 2.

4) The committee consists of a chairman and a minimum of two other members.

5) As a general rule, the committee is appointed for a period until dismissal.

Examination and Defence of Thesis

1) The examination can take place only when a chairman and a minimum of two other members are present online. The procedure of the examination is delivered by means of electronic telecommunications media (video-conference).

2) The examination is generally conducted in the language of the thesis.

3) The examination consists of two parts. It starts with the thesis presentation and defence and continues immediately by the oral examination by the examining committee. In defence of thesis the Applicant responds to the comments and answers the questions of the committee members.

4) The committee members vote upon the result of the examination in the non public part of the session on the day of the doctoral examination. The examination result is expressed in words as “passed” or “failed”.

5) The examination procedure is recorded in writing. All documents including the notation and the evaluation are kept in the Archive in compliance with the valid regulations.

Retaking Examinations

1) In the event the Applicant cannot take the online-examination on the given date and gives a written apology for his/her absence within seven days thereafter, the examining committee shall provide on the basis of Applicant’s request and consultation with the committee chairman a substitute date for taking the examination.

2) In the event the Applicant fails to appear in the stipulated time for the online-examination without giving a written apology within seven days thereafter, s/he shall be evaluated as if s/he had “failed” in the examination.

3) In the event the Applicant failed in the defence of the thesis or in the oral examination, the examination can be repeated on the next date announced for the examinations; the examining committee shall determine the date of the repeated examination. The examining committee can permit two further repetitions of the examination.

Academic Degree

1) In compliance with the provisions of the Ley General de Educación, applicable to Universidad Azteca in Mexico, after passing the examination of the thesis the following academic degrees are conferred by Universidad Azteca:

– Spanish Doctorate: Doctor Universitario en Estudios Avanzados / Profesionales / Individuales / Ambientales, abbreviated „Dr.Univ.“

– Translation as English diploma: Doctor of the University in Advanced / Professional / Individual / Environmental Studies, abbreviated as “DAS”, “DPS”, “DIS”, “DES”.

2) The sui-generis degree of Universidad Azteca is legally awarded university academic degree in accordance with Article 59 Ley General de Educación and not a degree awarded with RVOE according to Article 60 of the law.
3) The University excludes any responsibility for the lawful use of the academic degrees or recognition of the studies acc. to Paragraphs 2 outside of Mexico, being regulated by national provisions in third countries, however, the University generally expects the application of multilateral and bilateral agreements and recommendations of UNESCO.

Distance Learning Mode

1) Notification: the International Doctoral Programme is a distance education programme only to be completed by means of electronic media of tele-communications and e-learning directly on the University in Mexico and its international extensions.

2) Mexican study law applies to Universidad Azteca. Place of delivery and court jurisdiction is Mexico City, Mexico.

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